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North Carolina Golf




Tobacco Road Golf Club


442 Tobacco Road   Sanford    North Carolina 27332    (877) 284-3762   or (919) 775-1940 


Course Designer :  Mike Strantz   Head Pro:  Chris       Course Superintendent :  



Tees and aprons - Bermuda      Fairways -  Bermuda    Greens -  Bermuda
Overseed the golf course with RYE in the late Fall and Winter

Ratings (handicap/slope) Yardage
Par 7 - Ripper  73.2/150   6,532yd     Disc  70.8/141   6,297yd     Plow  68.6/131   5,886       Cultivator  66.1/115  5,094yd

Caddie's Summary:    The first response to Tobacco Road is "what the heck.." the next is "WOW". This rolling, cutting, jagged golf course in North Carolina is as unique as any in the United States. Strantz won a "GOLF Course Designer Of The Year" award in 1998 for works like this, and his use of natural landscape is outstanding. Play the proper tees on this course and be prepared to loose a few golf balls in the thick brushes and woods, and you will thoroughly enjoy this amazing golf course. Waste bunkers and scrub brush are used as well as any course in the South East and greens are extremely undulating. At least seven approach shots in the round are "blind" and into very shallow (sometimes only 15yd deep) and often very wide (a couple stretch from 30-65yd wide) greens. If anywhere within a couple hours drive of this North Carolina golf course, make the time to play this masterpiece.

For more details, click on any of the following links below:


Tobacco Road Website

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A Virtual Tour of Tobacco Road
photography by Tid Griffin - EliteGolfCourses.com

Click any photo of this North Carolina Golf Course to enlarge

all golf courses at Elite Golf Courses.com are photographed by professional golf course photographer Tid Griffin
Call 270-485-2680 to schedule a course

elite North Carolina golf courses, professional golf course photography

All Photography copyright 2005, CaddieCorner.com (a 4CornersOfTheWorld, LLC company)

copyright Tid Griffin - EliteGolfCourses.com 2006